
Browser War

Web Browsers Charlotte

Chrome? Firefox? Explorer? Are you confused yet? Well, I am.

Why is it so difficult to choose a web browser? Don’t they pretty much do the same thing? Isn’t the basic premise to open a web page?

NOT quite.


The first browser I used was Netscape Navigator. Many people reading this are going to say AOL or CompuServe, but they were more applications than just web browsers.

The browser was built to read HTML language and display information about web pages as we accessed them. Internet Explorer shipped with versions of Windows starting in 1997. Mozilla Firefox became an independent download in 2004. Google Chrome was released in 2008.


Common home PC users do not need to know about different browsers. However, heavy internet users or application browser users should know about all 3 of these. Each one handles web pages and scripting slightly different. Each one will give you better performance with certain items.

The single biggest reason you should know is not one browser will do all things. Internal to IRIS Solutions, we use an application called SSO (Single Sign On) to help us navigate the common websites we have to visit each day. The recommended browser for this is Chrome, and just last week, this quit working. We are now using Firefox because Internet Explorer does not work either.

We find this is a common business method. The lesson to be learned is if it does not work in one browser, try another.


Do you like white wine or red wine? Maybe craft beer? Maybe none of these?

In reality, the browser choice depends on the user. As a heavy internet user, I will give you my experience.

Internet Explorer

  • Plugins require a restart of the browser. (Plugins are software components which add a specific feature to your existing browser. Examples are Adobe Flash Player, QuickTime Player, and Java.)
  • The user must be logged in to get favorites on another computer.
  • Favorites just don’t show up automatically after login.
  • The tab sizes change at times depending upon web page.
  • Downloads prompt you to save the file.
  • The browser does have compatibility mode for troubled web sites.
  • Internet Explorer is deeply integrated into file operations on computer.
  • Internet Explorer is slower than Chrome.
  • It is faster than Mozilla.
  • The user has to download and install updates.


  • The Plugins work in browser.
  • Multiple plugins are available after login.
  • Plugins allow for faster browsing experience, like an ad blocker.
  • Chrome was built to have the user log in to Google.
  • Tab sizes stay the same.
  • Downloads automatically download in a certain directory which make them easier to locate and use.
  • Chrome uses Internet Explorer for browsing settings, such as a proxy.
  • Updates happen automatically as new versions come online.
  • Java does not work in Chrome.
  • Flash is built into Chrome.
  • Chrome is the fastest browser.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Plugins require a restart of the browser.
  • Favorites follow you if you log in.
  • The tab sizes stay the same.
  • Downloads automatically go to a certain directory.
  • Java is supported.
  • Mozilla Firefox is a failsafe option when Internet Explorer and Chrome fail.

Speed and integration factors point you towards Google Chrome as being the fastest browser. There are several other browsers which are not discussed here like Opera, Edge, and Safari.
The basic premise is to learn how to accept and use them all. One single browser will not support all of your needs.

Good luck and Geek OUT!!

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